Rhonda A's ADC
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Experience description:

      I lost contact with Anna and her family about 5 years ago. I moved and then they moved etc. I had no idea of Anna's death prior to this incident. On February 16th of 2002 I was sleeping at night.  I had a "Meeting Dream"  I started calling these types of dreams this after the second one. Which I had about 3 years ago.  I rarely remember dream, so when I have these, and I can remember each one in vivid detail even years later, I pay close attention.  They are very vivid at the time I have them.  It is like being asleep and watching a movie and Knowing it is a Meeting Dream at the time I am having them.  The colors are almost surreal, they are so intense. With the first one I didn't know what was happening.  It was not frightening at the time but very frightening later when I was awake and remembering it. 

So any way, when I had this dream of Anna I knew what it was and I found myself looking around for details, trying to take in as much as I could.  When it started it was like having smoke in front of me...white smoke in daylight.  Then the smoke cleared away and I saw an old house.  There was a very large tree behind me to my right side.  It was not where I could see it but I knew it was there and very large by the ends of the branches that hung over my head.  I could see the leaves move on the tips of them. The house was strange in that the stairs and doorway were both at the left side of the house.  There were no windows on the house.  The stairs led up to a small, railed-in porch but it was up high like they would have in the

Northwest US.  Snow country.  The door was open and I could see an old woman standing at a counter inside.  She was intent on her task and didn't look up as I approached.  Anna was standing on the ground in front of the house.  A little to my right. She looked about the same age as she was when I first met her at age 7.  She was wearing a white dress.  It was lacy looking with some blue trim around the collar and puffy short sleeves.  She stood there very still and didn't say anything. (They never say anything in these Meeting Dreams)

I said, "Anna?  What are you doing here?"  She just looked at me. I said," Is your mother here too?" She looked down and had a sad expression on her face.  Then she just looked up at me and stared.  I looked up at the doorway but the old woman was still busy. I looked back at Anna and held out my hand.  "Come on," I said "Let's go find your mother." She gave a wide beautiful smile and came running towards me. Just as she reached out and would have touched my hand she disappeared. 

I looked up at the house in surprise and the old woman had come out on the porch.  Then it was like she was standing right in front of me.  She held her hands together close to her stomach and she smiled.  Then she nodded. The smoke came back and it was all gone.  I woke up and I knew that little Anna was dead.  I felt so sad then.  She was a much loved little girl. I felt sad and worried for her mother.  I knew she would not be handling it well at all. 

Over the next couple of weeks the dream wouldn't leave me alone.  I found my mind wandering to it over and over.  Even while at work and involved in complicated things I would find myself just staring all of a sudden and realize I was thinking of Anna.  I knew Anna wanted me to find her mother and tell her she was ok.  That she was with her Grandmother. But I didn't know where her mother was.  And of course what if I was wrong?  They would think I was nuts or evil or something!  The other two Meeting Dreams happened between me and people I Knew were dead. And they had not given me a task to do! This was the first time it had happened like this!  I didn't know what to do. 

Then this past Tuesday, (that would be March 12, 2002) I caught myself again thinking of Anna wile I was at work.  I had a flash picture of Anna. She was wearing a red and white striped shirt and cut off jeans. She was holding her right side.  Her face showed so much pain. It was just a flash and then it was gone.  'This is ridiculous,' I thought.  I took a break and went to my car.  I sat there and I thought, ' Okay Anna, If you want me to find your mother I will.  I will tell her you are with your Grandmother.  I will tell her you are ok and not to worry about you.  But Anna she is Not going to believe me.  You have to tell me something or show me something that I can tell her so she will believe me.  I have to give her Proof! Now I have to get to work.  You have to back off and let me work!' 

The whole time I was talking to her, in my head, I felt this tingling over my body.  It was almost like a mild current of electricity.  When I finished 'talking' to her the tingling went away.  I went back into my desk.  About 30 minutes later one of my co-workers came over.  She had a card that was a  complimentary ticket for two to see a special screening of Harrison's Flowers.  Her and her husband was supposed to go but she was too tired and thought my husband and I would like to go.  I took the ticket and thanked her.  She left and I looked down at the card.  On it were the words, Sometimes All The Proof You Need Is Love.  I started shaking.  Ok Anna, I will go and find your mother.  I promise.  I kept that card. 

I took Friday off from work, that was yesterday the 15th of March.  I went to Sacramento where I lived when I was close with Anna's family.  I went to where their little duplex was but they didn't live there anymore.  I then went to the house where Anna's Aunt Asya lived.  When I pulled up at the house I knew they were still there.  The uncle did body work on cars and there were cars everywhere in various stages of repair.  I was terrified.  This would confirm once and for all that my Meeting Dreams were really with people who had died or that they were just dreams. 

I sat there trying to get the nerve to get out of the car.  Then the door opened and Asya came running out.  She was laughing and her arms were wide.  I got out of the car and we hugged.  She said she thought they would never see me again.  I knew I couldn't just blurt out about Anna so I asked how Laura (Anna's mother) and her family were.  She said, "Ahh, Rhonda, it is so sad." she got tears in her eyes "Little Anna, Rhonda, Anna is dead." 

Tears came to my eyes and overflowed.  It was such a strange mixture of sadness, grief and yes, relief.  I was not crazy.  I had not driven my husband nuts for weeks over just a dream.  I really did get a message from someone who had died.  And the other two visits were real too! We went into the house and talked for a long time. I did not tell her of Anna's visit.  That was for Anna's mother. I learned that Anna had been on her way home from school and had been hit by a car.  She was hit on her right side and had died before the paramedics had gotten there.  I asked Asya if she had a picture of her mother.  She showed me one and it was the old woman in my dream. 

Asya called Laura and told her I was there and they came over. I couldn't believe the change in Laura.  She looked awful.  So thin with dark circles under her eyes.  After we had talked for a while I asked her to take a walk with me.  We walked down the street holding hands.  I felt the tingles start and wash over me with such a feeling of love.  I knew now was the time.  I asked Laura if she believed that people who had died were alert and could communicate with us.  She looked at me like I was crazy.  I said, " No Laura, listen to me.  Please, hear me out.  She nodded and I told her about Anna.  All of it.  I showed her the card as I told her about it.  I told her everything that Anna wanted me to tell her.  We were both crying by the time I finished.  Then she stopped walking and looked at me with such joy on her face!  "Rhonda, you don't know what you give me.  I keep thinking of my Anna, alone.  All alone, Rhonda.  I think is she frightened?  Does she still hurt? Does she cry for her mama?  Now I know, she is with my mother.  She is happy and she does not hurt.  My mama cares for her. Thank you Rhonda.  Thank you with all my heart!"  I handed her the card.  "You will see Anna again, Laura.  And your mother too."

 I know I gave you a lot of information other than just the Meeting Dream. But you said to give detail about it.  There was so much that happened it wouldn't have made sense if I didn't tell you all of it from beginning to end.  I have been reunited with a dear friend and a mother has been given some peace by a little girl who wouldn't take "No" for an answer.

Did you sense an awareness or presence of the deceased without actually seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling them ?  Yes
Describe:  As described above.  But also while I have been writing this I felt Anna's presence. It is like knowing someone is behind you before you turn to look.  I feel my skin tighten on my neck and across my shoulders. It is difficult to describe.

Did you hear the deceased or hear something associated with the deceased?  No

Did you feel a touch or experience any physical contact from the deceased?  No

Did you see the deceased?  Yes

Describe the appearance of the deceased:  She looked about the same age as she was when I first met her at age 7.  (She was 15 at the time she died) She was wearing a white dress.  It was lacy looking with some blue trim around the collar and puffy short sleeves. Her face seemed very smooth and alittle pale.  Her eyes seems darker and more intense than I remembered them being. Her hair was shining as if healthy and strong.

How clearly did the deceased appear?  Everything in the dream including the two people seemed very sold and real.  The only thing was that only the immediate area surrounding them and the house seemed this way.  When I tried to look past the house there was nothing there.  Just that smoke, though the sun seemed to be shining on the house and yard.

How much of the deceased did you see?  All of both people.  Except at the end when the grandmother seemed to be right in front of me.  Then I was not aware of anything below her waist.

Did the deceased appear or not appear to be the age at which they died?  She looked about the same age as she was when I first met her at age 7.  (She was 15 at the time she died)

How healthy did the deceased appear to be?  Her face seemed very smooth and alittle pale.  Her eyes seems darker and more intense than I remembered them being. Her hair was shining as if healthy and strong. I had not seen her for about 5 years but she was very healthy then.

Is there any possibility what you saw was from any other source present in your surroundings at the time of your experience?  No

Did you smell a distinct smell, fragrance or odor associated with the deceased?  Yes

Describe:  I hadn't thought of that but now that you ask there was the scent of fresh air, like when you are in a forest or a field.  When I was talking to her mother there was the smell of flowers.  Light, almost not there, like having a bouquet in the same room with you.  Not overpowering...just enough that you are aware of it.

Was the smell, scent, fragrance or odor familiar?  Yes, like when you are in a forest or a field.  When I was talking to her mother there was the smell of flowers.  Light, almost not there, like having a bouquet in the same room with you.  Not overpowering...just enough that you are aware of it.

Was anything communicated by the smell?  In the dream it was just a feeling of safety and peace. 

While talking to Anna's mother it was an overwhelming feeling of love.

The kind of feeling that just washes over you.

Is there any possibility the smell, scent, fragrance or odor was from any other source present in your surroundings at the time of your experience?  No

How long did the experience last?  I don't know how long the dream lasted, but Anna's contact seemed to be almost constant from the 16th of Feb. until I talked to her mother on the 15th of March.  I couldn't concentrate on anything else for any length of time. The tingling kept coming back at the oddest times.  Very frustrating.

Was the beginning and end of the experience gradual or more sudden?  The beginning of the dream was gradual, the end was more sudden.

Could you sense the emotions or mood of the deceased?  In the beginning of the dream Anna felt sad, hesitant.  When I told her we would find her mother she seemed bursting with happiness and excitement. Through the weeks afterward she felt impatient, frustrated, insistent. Very Insistent.
Describe:  In the beginning of the dream Anna felt sad, hesitant.  When I told her we would find her mother she seemed bursting with happiness and excitement. Through the weeks afterward she felt impatient, frustrated, insistent. Very Insistent.

Did the deceased give you information you did not previously know?  Yes, just her presence in this way told me she had died.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience:  Experience was definitely real

Describe in detail your feelings/emotions during the experience:  During the dream I felt like I had to hurry to experience everything.  I felt like it might stop too soon.  The first Meeting Dream didn't last long. The second one lasted longer but still I felt I hadn't learned all I wanted to so this time I wanted to take it ALL in.  I was not afraid at all just aware that time was passing.

Was there any emotional healing in any way following the experience?  Yes
Describe:  I believe Anna's mother began her emotional healing after getting her message from her daughter.  I know that the part of me that always wondered if I was just a bit crazy was relieved to know I was sane.  I feel much more confident in this area now.  I know that when the next visit comes I will be much more ready and able to talk to them.  There is so much I want to ask them!

Did the experience give you any spiritual understandings such as life, death, afterlife, God, etc.?  Yes
Describe:  I now truly believe in life after death.  I don't know how it is set up, how it all works, but I Know it is there.  I also believe that only something as great and powerful as God could arrange something like that.

Have you ever made a death compact?  Yes
      Describe:  My husband and I have talked about this just this morning.  Following this whole thing with Anna I believe he believes now more than before.  We have agreed that whichever one dies first will try to contact the other.  The sign will be Winnie the Pooh for me and Tigger for him.  It is something of an inside joke for us as we have Pooh and Tigger sitting on our bed.  We often tease each other about what people would say if they knew we liked Tigger and Pooh at our ages.

Did you ever in your life have a near-death experience, out of body experience or other spiritual event?  No
did you see a light?  Uncertain

      Describe:  In the dream the whole area was lit.  Like bright sunshine in the immediate area and a white smoky glow around that.

 Did you meet or see any other beings other than the deceased?  Yes

      Describe:  Anna's grandmother, first in the house and then in the yard.  At first, while in the house, she seemed unconcerned, uninterested.  Once Anna disappeared the grandmother seemed happy that I was going to find Anna's mother.  She smiled like she was pleased, confident.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?  Yes

      Describe:  Anna's death, what she was wearing the day she died, how she died. 

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions?  Yes

      Describe:  The house and yard where Anna and her grandmother were.  Though I don't know if they really lived there or whether it was just what they showed me to let me know they are together and that the grandmother is taking care of Anna.

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?  Uncertain

      Describe:  Just that sense that time was passing quickly.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?  No

Did you become aware of future events?  No

      Describe:  Those are other dreams...Not like the "Meeting Dreams"

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience?  No

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?  No

has the experience affected your relationships?  Daily life?  Religious practices etc.?  Career choices?  It has made me more accepting and open to life after death.  I am also more accepting of life itself.  It is like a feeling of how bad can it get? Whatever happens, no matter how bad, the worst that can happen is that I will get to see loved ones again that I thought were gone forever.

 Have you shared this experience with others?  Yes

      Describe:  At first my husband had no comments.  He just thought it was another of my strange dreams.  He never put them down, he just didn't want to talk much about them.  Now he believes me completely. Anna's mother at first thought I was crazy, I could tell by her expression.  But after I had explained it all to her she was totally accepting.  She was very happy.  She even ate dinner with us that night, something everyone said was rare since her daughters death.

Have you shared this experience formally or informally with any other researcher or web site?  No

What emotions/feelings did you experience following your experience?  Sadness that Anna was gone.  Relief.  Relief that it was real, and that it was over.  Those weeks were very stressful for me.

What was the best and worst part of your experience?  The best part was the validation of the visit and of the prior visits from loved ones that had died.  The worst part was the weeks not knowing if Anna was really dead or not.  The feeling of being pressured to Act Now.

Did the questions asked and information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?  Yes
      Describe:  Your questions helped me describe what happened.  They also helped me remember things, such as the smells, that I hadn't thought of before.

Please offer any suggestions you may have to improve this questionnaire:  This site is just what I needed!  To be able to tell a caring, concerned, researcher what happened.  Thank You!