Francine's ADC
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Experience description:

In my "dream" he walked from the foot of the bed up to my side of the bed, he said that he came to tell me that he would be taking my Mother with him soon and that he would take care of her.  He said that I should not worry about her.  A couple of weeks later my mother was hospitalized and almost passed away.  To date, she is still very ill.

After the experience was over, I realized that I had not been sleeping.  He had actually woke me up speaking to me.

Did you sense an awareness or presence of the deceased without actually seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling them ?  No

Did you hear the deceased or hear something associated with the deceased?  Yes
Describe:  He woke me up by calling out 'little girl'. When I looked at him, he told me that he had come to tell me that my mother did not have much time left here and that he would be taking her with him soon and that I was not to be upset and not to worry about her.  He said he would take care of her and she would be fine.
Did the voice or sound seem to originate externally, or outside of you, inside of you, or did you not hear a voice or sound but had a knowing of what was communicated?  The voice was external.  He was actually talking to me.

If you heard a voice or sound, was it similar or dissimilar to the voice or sound the deceased made when they were alive?  It was HIS voice.

How clearly did you hear the deceased?  I heard him just like he was standing there alive and well talking to me.

Is there any possibility that what you heard was from any other source in the surroundings at the time of your experience?  NO!

Was there any possible impairment to your hearing at the time of the experience?  No!

Did you feel a touch or experience any physical contact from the deceased?  Yes

Where and how were you touched?  He touched my feet when he first called out to me.  When he was trying to wake me up.

Was the touch familiar?  It was his hand touching my feet.

Was anything communicated by the touch?  It was the warm touch of a hand.  I could tell he was trying to wake me up.  He tapped on the tops of my feet to wake me up and get my attention.

Is there any possibility what you felt was from any other source present in your surroundings at the time of your experience?  NO!

Did you see the deceased?  Yes

Describe the appearance of the deceased:  His appearance was just like he was standing there.  He was clear, it was night time, but I could see him perfectly well.  My bedroom window over looks the front porch of my house and the porch light was on.  I could see his face, his eyes, his expression.  I seen him like he was standing there.  He looked like I remember him looking when I was young, about the age that he was when he died.  However, he walked standing straight up with good posture.  When he passed away, he was starting to hunch his back and shoulders.  He did not do that when I seen him.

How clearly did the deceased appear?  I seen him clearly.  Like he was solid.

How much of the deceased did you see?  I could see his body as he walked up to the side of my bed, however, I was focused mainly on his face, as he was looking me directly in the eye.

Did the deceased appear or not appear to be the age at which they died?  He appeared to be the age that he was when he died, but, with better posture.

How healthy did the deceased appear to be?  He looked very healthy.  He looked like his self.  Like he looked when he died.

Is there any possibility what you saw was from any other source present in your surroundings at the time of your experience?  No!

Did you smell a distinct smell, fragrance or odor associated with the deceased?  Yes

Describe:  I could faintly smell his pipe tobacco.

Was the smell, scent, fragrance or odor familiar?  it was the scent of pipe tobacco.  I think it is Cherry wood, or something like that.

Was anything communicated by the smell?  No! I have smelled that smell numerous times over the 32 years that he has been gone.

Is there any possibility the smell, scent, fragrance or odor was from any other source present in your surroundings at the time of your experience?  No!  No one that I know smokes a pipe.  And, my Husband and I do not smoke and do not allow smoking in our home.

How long did the experience last?  Only a couple of minutes.

Was the beginning and end of the experience gradual or more sudden?  Sudden.  He woke me up, said what he came to say and was gone.

Could you sense the emotions or mood of the deceased?  He was concerned and worried over how I was going to react to my mother dying.
Describe:  He was concerned and worried over how I was going to react to my mother dying.

Did the deceased give you information you did not previously know?  Yes,  He told me that my Mother did not have much time left here and that he was coming to take her with him and that I was not to be upset or worry and that he would take care of her and she would be fine.  Two weeks later my mother was hospitalized and almost died, she is still ill although she has not passed away. YET.

Describe in detail your feelings/emotions during the experience:  I was somewhat upset that he told me he was here for my Mother.  Yet, at the same time I was relaxed and not devastated. I had a calm but sad feeling.

What other attitudes and beliefs about your experience do you currently have:     
      Other Attitude or Belief
          I don't believe it was a dream.  I think it felt like it was a dream.  However, I have had these experiences almost as long as I can recall.

Was there any emotional healing in any way following the experience?  Yes
Describe:  I think that when my Mother does pass away.  I will be able to handle it better then I did when my Father passed away. My father's death totally devastated me.  I still feel the loss to this day.

Did the experience give you any spiritual understandings such as life, death, afterlife, God, etc.?  Uncertain
Describe:  Nothing that I did not already know.  I have known for a while now that there are after life experiences.

Have you ever made a death compact?  Yes
      Describe:  Yes, since my Father passed away I have told my daughters and my Husband that I will contact them and let them know that I am alright should I die first. I have also asked them to do the same should they die first. No I had made no Death Compacts previous to my Father dying. I wanted to ask my Father for one, but, I did not want to face the fact that he was dying.

Did you ever in your life have a near-death experience, out of body experience or other spiritual event?  Yes
      Describe:  I used to have out of body experiences all the time in my early youth.  I still do from time to time.  However, as a child I used to do this all the time. Now maybe once a year. Sometimes once every couple of years.  As for Spiritual yes, I have had numerous experiences through out my life, however, I have had the most in the last year since my father passed away.

Was the experience dream like in any way?  Yes
      Describe:  It felt dream like at first.  Then it was like I had been dreaming and been woke up and when I woke up, I had been woke up by my grandfather.

Did you experience a separation of consciousness from your body? No

Did you see a light?  Uncertain

      Describe:  I am uncertain.  I could see him clearly and it was dark.  I attributed that to being from my porch light shining in the window.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?  Yes

      Describe:  He said my mother was not well and that she would be leaving soon.  Two weeks later my mother became gravely ill and almost died several times.  To this day, she is still ill. 

Did you become aware of future events?  Yes

      Describe:  I was told my Mother was ill.

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?  No

Has the experience affected your relationships?  Daily life?  Religious practices etc.?  Career choices?  This did not really change anything for me.  As I have had these experiences for as long as I can remember.

Have you shared this experience with others?  Yes

      Describe:  I told my H.  He said that I was probably dreaming, however, he did believe the fact that my mother would probably be passing away.  I also told my daughter.  She is able to communicate with the dead.  She believed me fully.

Have you shared this experience formally or informally with any other researcher or web site?  No

What emotions/feelings did you experience following your experience?
  I was sad at the fact that my mother was probably going to die.

What was the best and worst part of your experience?  The best was seeing my Grandfather and the peaceful feeling that I felt during his visit.