Robert S ADCs
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Experience description:

I had what I consider three distinct after death visitations with my sister, in the dream form. The first occurred about six months after she passed away in 1998. I believe they were visitations as opposed to regular dreams, because they were totally different from regular dreams, in which strange things can happen. In the first dream, I was aware that I was in my sister's house where she lived with her husband and three young daughters (at that time, 8, 6 and 13 months old). I heard cheerful laughter coming from one of the children's bedrooms, so I walked over the the bedroom and opened the door. I entered the room and saw two figures wrestling around under the covers, laughing and giggling merrily and having a grand old time. I walked over to the bed and ripped off the covers, and clear as day I saw my sister and her middle daughter, the six year old, on the bed with red ruddy cheeks and their hair all tussled, with smiles on their faces. I was obvious that my sister had been playing with and tickling her middle daughter under the covers, and the child was laughing and they were having a grand old time. When I lifted the covers off, they both sat up and looked at me with a look of complete peace and serenity on their faces. I could not believe what I was seeing, because I knew that my sister had passed away six months before. In the dream, I actually said aloud, Oh my God, it's really you, but I have to do something to believe what I am seeing. I slowly walked over to the bed looking into my sister's eyes. She was radiant in a way, with a soft white light glowing about her, and she had just a wisp of a smile on her face. As I approached her I said to her, 'I need to actually feel you to see if you are real.' I then walked over to her and took my right index finger and gently put it on her right cheek right below her eye, and slowly ran my finger all the way down her cheek. While I did this, both she and my niece had the same faint, peaceful smile on their faces, and they were calm. I ran my finger down her cheek slowly, and the moment my finger got to the bottom of her cheek, I removed my finger from her cheek and I instantly awoke from the dream. I had the overwhelming sense that I had really visited with my sister, that she, I and my niece were actually in the presence of my sister. I have had two more experiences with my sister, that I consider ADC's. About 15 years after the first dream described above, I saw her twice more. In the second case, In a dream, I was suddenly in front of the house that my sister and I grew up in. She all of a sudden walked out of the front door, about the age she died, 36, and she calmly walked past me with the same exact faint, peaceful smile on her face. She looked right into my eyes as she had in the dream when I saw her and my niece under the covers in the girl's room. In the same way, she did not say a word to me, she only gazed at me with the same look of complete peace and tranquility on her face, as if to say, all is ok, just accept that this is real, it's really me. She did not stop, she just walked past me slowly, and then I awoke. In the third experience, it was almost the same as the second, which occurred about five years later. This last time, shortly after I fell asleep, I dreamt of her again. This time she was waling on a short cement pathway towards me at the next home we lived in after we moved from our first childhood home. Again, she said nothing. I simply saw her walking, and I had the same initial thought of 'Oh it's you, how can it be, I know you passed away?' Still, she had the same exact expression, a peaceful faint smile, a little glow about her, yet subdued, and she looked into my eyes very reassuringly, although again she said nothing. We simply looked into each other's eyes, and she slowly passed, then woke up.

I feel certain that these were three visitations, rather than ordinary dreams, because they were different. I have had dreams about my sister, as well as other friends and close relatives that have died. However, in the dreams I had about my sister that I know were not visitations, I was not aware in the dream that she had passed away. I simply saw her as if we were in each other's presence, and she had not died. Also, those other dreams in some cases were weird, nonsensical as dreams can be, where from one second to the next you can change locations, or persons can simply disappear from your presence and you don't think about it. Also, I really cannot recall well at all the specifics of the few ordinary dreams in which my sister played a part. However with the experiences that I accept as genuine ADC's, they had two facts that distinguish them from ordinary run of the mill dreams. I all three, I was surprised, actually shocked to see her because in all three my first thought was 'How can it be you, I know you died?' Secondly, as noted, I have forgotten most of the details of the normal dreams I have had where my sister was involved over the years since I had them. However, the three dreams where I was puzzled by her appearance because I knew she had died,  and where she had that same exact ever so slight smile with the glow, and the peaceful countenance where we never spoke but just looked at each other for a few moments, have stayed with me, with not one detail having faded even a little. It's as if I had each of those dreams a few weeks ago at most, and they have been 25, 15 and 10 years ago.

The dreams were not weird in any way. Nothing zany or crazy happened. I simply saw my sister and I realized to my shock, that although she had died, at the same time she hadn't, really. The first dream, where I saw my niece under the covers, has puzzled me because my niece had that same faint smile and subtle glow that my sister had, and she also spoke not a word to me, but just looked into my eyes and smiles peacefully. I actually believe that I and my niece had OBE's while asleep, and actually met with my sister. My niece is now 32 years old. She was six when her mother died. I have never told her of this dream, because as far as I know, she does not have an interest in the subject of after life studies. I didn't want to bring it up, because I did not want to upset her or make her feel uncomfortable. After my sister's death my brother in law married again and had more kids, and although I am close to my nieces, we did not spend a lot of time together as the years went by. I had young kids of my own, and was very busy with work and life in general. Still, over the years I have wanted to ask her if she ever had a dream when she was small where she was being tickled under the covers by her mother, and if maybe I was there.

Was this experience difficult to express in words? No

Did you ONLY sense an awareness of presence of the deceased without actually seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling them?      Uncertain

Did you hear the deceased or hear something associated with the deceased?          Yes

          Describe what you heard, how clearly you heard it and what was communicated:   I heard my sister and daughter (who is still alive) laughing and giggling in what I consider an ADC in the dream state

          Did the voice or sound seem to originate externally or outside of you, inside you, or did you not hear a voice or sound, but had a sense of knowing what was communicated?     Inside in a dream

          If you heard a voice or sound, was it similar or dissimilar from the voice or sound the deceased made when they were alive?     Same

          Is there any possibility what you heard was from any other source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?   Yes, I suppose it is possible I dreamt it all.

          Was there any possible impairment to your hearing at the time of the experience?   No

Did you feel a touch or experience any physical contact from the deceased?         Yes

I touched my deceased sister's cheek

Was the touch familiar or unfamiliar? Can't say. I may have touched her cheek some other time in life, just don't know

          Was anything communicated by the touch? An overwhelming sense that although she had passed, that she was there and I was not imagining it

Is there any possibility what you felt was from any other source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?   Again, it was while I was sleeping, so I suppose it's possible my subconscious mind produced the entire experience and I was not actually in an actual after death communication

Did you see the deceased?       Yes

Saw my deceased sister as an adult, at the age she passed, several times, with a faint smile on her face, and with a sort of subdued glow about her. Our eyes met, but never a word was said by her, just the same peaceful smile.

How clearly did the deceased appear?            Totally solid, as if she was right there in the flesh

How much of the deceased did you see?       Entire body

Did the deceased appear or not appear to be the age at which they died?           Exactly at the age (36)

How healthy did the deceased appear to be?            Glowing health

Is there any possibility what you saw was from any other source present in the surroundings at the time of your experience?   Yes, I may have just dreamt of my sister, without her actually being there. But I really know that is not true. She was there.

Did you smell a distinct smell, scent, fragrance or odor associated with the deceased? No

How long did the experience last?      Seconds to a minute or so

Was the beginning and end of the experience gradual or more sudden?       All three experiences began when I fell asleep. They seemed to last a few seconds, and then ended abruptly, when I woke up.

Could you sense the emotions or mood of the deceased?          Yes

Reassuring. My sister's presence, if indeed she appeared in ADC's in the dream state, seemed to be for my benefit, to reassure me that she was close, and that all was well with her

Did the deceased give you information you did not previously know?  No. Not a word was spoken to me. The only thing I said to her was that I needed to touch her to judge if she was really there.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience?          Experience was definitely real

          Please explain why you view the reality of your experience as real or not real:   Based on my 42 years of investigating the afterlife, including attending many sittings with clairvoyant mediums, and one physical phenomena seance with evidential results, I am certain that I had genuine ADC's with my sister and with one of my best childhood friends who died at 26.

          Was the experience dream like in any way?  Yes

All my ADC's except during séances or sitting with mediums were in the dream state

Describe in detail your feelings/emotions during the experience:  Puzzled how the deceased could be there because I knew they had passed away

Was there any emotional healing in any way following the experience? Uncertain

I know something beyond the material occurred, but after all my experiences with studying life after death, and experiencing mediumship and getting very evidential results, I still have to admit I fear death. Also, I still get depressed a lot. I have to be honest and say I don't know if my experiences produced any emotional healing or not. Probably a little.

What was the best and worst part of your experience?          Best is  that I actually believe I have seen my deceased sister on three occasions since she passed in 1998, and that she is fine, doing very well, better than we who are still here!

Has your life changed specifically as a result of your experience? No      Hope it was all real. Hope we go to a better place. Going to accept something better is ahead. But still my feet are on the ground, and my head is not in the clouds. Taking life as it comes.  

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?      Yes    Although already leaning towards belief in an afterlife, I was more convinced that the afterlife is real

Did the experience give you any spiritual understandings such as life, death, afterlife, God, etc.?         Yes    I am convinced there is life after death. I am still puzzled about God, and the deeper questions. Trying to be as decent a person as I can be, and hoping for the best!

Death Compacts are when two or more living people promise among themselves that whoever dies first will try to contact the other(s).  Have you ever made such a compact?    No

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?          Yes During a sitting with a mental medium after my aunt (mother's sister) died, who I told nothing whatsoever about my family, the medium saw a woman who he described to, and a piece of jewelry she was wearing. The woman he described fit my aunt exactly. Then, he said the woman, whoever she was, was holding a photograph of a young man about 20, who was wearing a uniform. He continued saying the woman was holding the photo at about her chest level, and he could see the photograph clearly. He then said whoever the young soldier was, she was very proud of him. He further said to me that he could actually, in his mind, hear machine guns firing and the engines of war planes screaming as they dove from high altitudes and bombs going off. The medium said he could actually smell cordite (gunpowder) in his nostrils, and that the young man in the photograph had seen heavy heavy combat before he passed. I did not find it out later, but while I was at the reading, I knew he was describing my uncle, who was in the American infantry and died fighting in Germany in WW11. My aunt and mother had a brother, but he was killed in Germany about 5 months after D-Day. His unit, the 334th Infantry, Railsplitters, had gone into action in a German town near the Siegfried Line, in a combined British/American action to clear the Geilenkirchen  Salient. My uncle was 19 when he was killed by German machine gun fire on Nov 20th, 1944 in Operation Clipper.

What emotions did you feel during the experience?         I really felt a little more certain that there is life after death, because I knew that I had visitations and was imagining the whole thing

Was the experience witnessed or experienced by others?          No

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?  No

Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?         No

Did you become aware of future events?      No

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?      No

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?   No

Did you meet or see any other beings other than the deceased?   Yes

In one ADC I saw my 6 year old niece, who was still alive. I have always assumed she and I were having OBE's and that we both met with my sister, her mother, during same.

Did you see a light?        Yes

Not a light, but a subdued glow about both my deceased sister, and her 6 year old daughter

Did any part of your experience seem to occur in a place other than the location described above?     No

Have you shared this experience with others?      

Yes    As others who have also spent years studying the subject of the afterlife, they were very interested, not skeptical, and very supportive that I actually did have several genuine ADC's

Have you shared this experience formally or informally with any other researcher or web site?         Yes

I was involved in an email chat group from 2013 to 2016 with many persons who are serious  students of the subject of the after life and continuation of consciousness after physical death. Our chat group included many authors who have published books on the subject, as well as several noted scientists, one of whom was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1973. The group has disbanded and not longer sharing emails regularly, but I have saved all of the email discussions, (over 1000)

 Is there anything else you would like to add regarding your experience?   Only that I more or less accept the reality of the after life. As noted above I am a little disheartened that after all my years of study, and my experience with mediums, I still have a lot of fear and anxiety about not just death, but the entire human condition.

Were there any associated medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?          No

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?       No 

Did you ever in your life have a near-death experience, out of body experience or other spiritual event? Uncertain 

During meditation many years ago, I am fairly confident that I left my body for a few seconds. However, I am not certain.

Did the questions asked and information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?           Yes

Please offer any suggestions you may have to improve this questionnaire.       No honestly I think it was pretty comprehensive. I have told the absolute truth to the best of my recollections in my answers.
